Thursday, November 12, 2009

no meteors! no volcanic eruptions! it's all HOMOSEXUALITY!

new ground-breaking research proves that dinosaurs became extinct because one-day they all became homosexuals!

gays and lesbians in layman's terms!

so, after so many million years, we, humans, finally know what exactly happened with them!

no meteors!
no volcanic eruptions!
no earth-quakes!

this ground breaking research was carried by th professors of canisvine university, canisvine, usa!

th same people who proved that our thumbs was designed for texting since th very begining!

coming back, this research is set to shake th foundations of humanity!

till now it was thought that only humans could be homosexuals!

even after we know so much, th reason for their becoming homosexuals is still unknown!

scientists can only guess, one of their theories include that there was some sort of 'gene-malfunction'-as they call it and this led to th sudden change!

but we won't ever know for sure what exactly was th reason!

Friday, October 9, 2009

bhaad mein jaa!

hmmm... well, it was quite a long time back when i first heard of 'bhaad'...

actually it was one of my friends shouting on me after a fight we had, 'tu bhaad mein jaa!'

and i was like 'where is this bhaad anyways?'

but a fight is a fight, so i could'nt ask him where it was...

time passed and slowly more incidents took place where this 'bhaad' place was again and again mentioned...

everytime it was, i thought ki the time i reconcile with this person, i'll ask him...

but that never happened...

hmmm... slowly, i dont know how though, the use of this 'bhaad' term got into my vocabulary...

and everytime i was angry or frustrated, 'bhaad mein jaa!' was the first sentence that i used...

and gradually i even stopped pondering over where 'bhaad' was...

but when somebody said the three magic words to me (hello!, i am talking about 'bhaad mein jaa!') it brought me back to the elementary question as to what/where is this utterly mysterious place?

and it was then i realized what it actually was...

the moment of 'kewal gyan'...

every person has separate 'bhaad''s to his/her disposal, and he/she can go there at will...

this is the only place which lowers the entropy of the neurons in your brain and thus pushing you into a state of bliss...

you actually do not care about anything else...

and then what came to my mind next was if bhaad-invasion was really possible...

and know what i've been working on the very same thing...

and this machine is almost complete, its called vj's-bhaado-transport...

it will enable me to do just that...

i started constructing this device when i used to think ki 'bhaad' isn't a nice place...

but now after spending some quality time here, detached from the material world...

who the hell wants to escape from dis grand place!

its this place only, which gives peace to mind and soul...

ps : try telepathy to try and connect to others in their respective 'bhaads', it works!